The Arapahoe location can be reached at (308) 962-7956

West Highway 6/34


Our company headquarters are at
The Maschhoffs
7475 State Rte. 127
Carlyle, IL 62231
Phone 618-594-2125









The Maschhoffs, LLC  is a pork production company headquartered in Carlyle, Illinois. As a family-owned business, they have over 100 years of experience in pork production. The Maschhoffs are one of the nation’s largest independent, family-owned swine production operations, with approximately 192,000 sows and associated market hog production in nine states. The company focuses on creating environmentally and economically sustainable pork production systems by networking with more than 320 other independent farm operations. The Maschhoffs are able to provide enough pork for more than 10 million consumers annually.